About Abandoned Curse :

Once upon a time, in a hidden underwater world, lived a young kappa with its caring parents. Despite the wonders of their aquatic home, the kappa yearned to explore the world above. One night, fueled by curiosity, the young kappa ventured out while its parents slept.

As the kappa explored the surface, it encountered a mischievous dog that playfully chased it. Frightened, the kappa quickly returned home to the safety of the underwater realm. Unbeknownst to them, a man witnessed the kappa's presence, sparking interest and curiosity.

Word spread of the kappa's sighting, attracting people from different places who sought to find the mysterious creature. Concerned for their safety, the kappa's parents decided to escape. In a daring attempt to divert attention, the kappa's father valiantly faced the onlookers while urging its family to escape.

The kappa's mother, carrying the kappa, reached a safer place, but news of the father's sacrifice reached them. The kappa's mother, with tears in her eyes, said to the child, "Stay here, my dear, I'll soon come back," and swam back to save the father, determined to reunite the family. Unfortunately, the mother never returned, leaving the kappa waiting in vain.

In the meantime, the kappa encountered a small orphaned girl whose toy had fallen into a nearby pond. With a compassionate heart, the kappa jumped into the pond, retrieved the girl's toy, and formed a strong bond with her.

Tragedy struck one night when the two were attacked by individuals with malicious intent, particularly directed towards the defenseless girl. Despite the kappa's fierce attempts to shield its friend, the attackers, driven by malice, threw the kappa to the back, smashing its head again and again and again....with rock. The girl, her body motionless and eyes sweeping the tragic scene, witnessed the horror unfold. After the Rape were done with the girl, they callously smashed her head too, bringing a heartbreaking end to a story that symbolizes the harsh consequences of standing against wrongdoing.